Who doesn’t call for commitment in life? Having a family is a call for commitment. Physical, financial, and emotional. Succeeding on a job is a call for commitment. Time, training, and effort. Enjoying your favorite hobby calls for commitment. Practice, exercise, and patience. God also calls for commitment. Uniquely, he asks for everything.
The good news is wise investments yield good dividends. The bigger the share, the greater the profit. The difference between God’s call for commitment and a human option is immeasurable. People change. Cultures change. Markets Rise. Fluctuate. Fall. God’s call to commit is unchanging. His is eternal. His return boundless.
“Test me,” he says.” You’ll see.
“Test me,” God says, “…and see if I don’t open up heaven itself to you and pour out blessings beyond your wildest dreams.” Mal. 3:10 MSG.
Roll on. 🏍